It's been a while. I've been away much longer than I anticipated. After my last post, I'd decided to quit blogging and Facebook for a bit, thinking I could spend my time in more productive ways. To be honest, all those moments I thought would be filled with meaningful activities just created a void quckly filled with more pointless busyness (housecleaning, shuttle service for kids, blah, blah, blah). I missed writing. I missed connecting with friends on Facebook, even when it meant communicating in snippets and fragmented thoughts.
With the exception of journaling (my 'prozac'!), there hasn't been much art-making for the last few least not the fabric, paper, paint kind. It's always been a dream of mine to create a backyard 'secret' garden....Slowly getting rid of all the grass, making way for flowers and veggies and quiet, restful cubbies. Here's a view of the progress this year....
two of my helpers...digging out broken water pipes
beginning stages..grass stripped; playing with curves using stones; grading dirt, marking sprinklers (what a pain that was!), a few plants transplanted to be moved again later...CanI just say how much I LOVE my rototiller?!
the opposite corner...if i had my way there would be NO grass...but two grandbabies need some grass to play!
starting to take shape!
sod is in...transplants settling nicely, seeds scattered, a few new fruit trees in, and
a swing!
still needs work...stonework and seating around lemon tree; the opposite corner seating area will have some kind of water installation; I'm jonesin' for an apricot tree...
anxious to add water back in this corner and some's quiet and cool back here!
My little bit of heaven...or at least a start! I used mostly seed this year (lots of surprises when scattering a mix!), a few perenials, another lemon tree, 2 pomegranates, pear, cherry, clementine, year, the addition of a large plot for veggies!!!
More blogging to come. It's nice to be back.